Nov 29 , 2017
Trusox - Can it improve your performance?
TruSox the evolution of socks
There are many items in football-soccer gear that have been optimized with technology, shirts, shorts, boots, gloves… but socks? It seems that socks also have been upgraded, and to an extreme that has made them items that players are willing to breach contracts just to use them, that is the case of TruSox.
Many players and clubs get a big part of their incomes through sponsorships and partnerships with sportswear brands, like Adidas, Umbro, Nike, Puma, and so on. In most of these contracts, players are required to use their products exclusively, and whoever doesn’t fulfill this part of the agreement is bound to pay a hefty sum.
What could make a player go out of his way and knowingly pay a fine? It seems that a good pair of socks, specifically TruSox, is the reason behind these contract violations, as some players have begun to deliberately use them, and they point out that the results have been quite favorable, as they continue to do so.
TruSox were developed by Jim Cherneski, former Crystal Palace USA player-coach, who is the founder and chief executive of Trusox, he started developing TruSox in 2007. Jim had faced the same problem many players do, his feet would move constantly inside his cleats, and with the problem in mind, he decided it was time to find a solution.
The technology behind TruSox seems simple, small non-slip performance pads cover the parts of the socks that come in contact with the cleats, providing improved traction and handling, and according to some players, the feeling is great.
“They definitely work. In the beginning, it was sort of a novelty. What is that? Why are they wearing those? What’s so good about them? I want to try them,” said an unnamed player on the U.S. national team. “Aesthetically, they kind of have a cool look that’s sort of subtle, but you can definitely tell people are wearing them. Then you put them on, and straight away they’re comfortable. They fit.”.